Join Us

NOTE: The WestTUC Community Alliance is no longer seeking active membership.

If you feel that the mission, values and principles of the WestTUC Community Alliance are consistent with your beliefs, please consider joining us as a member. (We are a registered non-profit society under corporate access number 2014978299.)

What Does Membership Mean?

Membership with the Alliance means two things:

  1. That we will add your voice to ours when we contact a government official or organization regarding power projects in Alberta. What we mean by this is that we would sign off on letters and other communication as "the WestTUC Community Alliance, with [xxx]  members as of [date]."
  2. That if the Heartland Transmission Project proceeds as originally planned and if the west TUC is chosen as the preferred or alternate route, membership with the Alliance also means that if you are directly and adversely affected (located up to 1,000 meters from the line), you would be interested in supporting intervener action.

If intervener action becomes necessary - and we stress that it will be necessary only if the west TUC route is chosen - people along the west TUC will need to mobilize an intervener group. This may need to happen quickly. Funds will be required to secure expert legal representation. The Alliance may or may not be the organization that leads the charge when and if that time comes, but we do want to be prepared with a membership list that can assist with forming a west TUC intervener effort. 

Of course, until this moment comes to pass (if it comes to pass), no one has any information on what intervener action may cost. Please note that membership with the Alliance does not commit you to any financial obligation. 

Privacy Policy

Information that we collect from you at this stage of membership (i.e., prior to any need for legal intervener action) will be limited to (at most) name, address, phone number and email address. By supplying us with this data, you give us permission to contact you to provide updates and to make specific requests relating to the operation of the WestTUC Community Alliance Society. We will not share this data with any outside organization other than for the purposes of accommodating standard legal or accounting requirements as outlined by the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada.   

The information that you provide to us will not be used for any other purpose than stated above.

Questions? Feedback?

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© 2009 WestTUC Community Alliance Society. Alberta Registration #2014978299. All rights reserved.