Resources on the Web

ENMAX & Bill 50

Enmax Corporation, an energy provider from Calgary, has put up a web page to bring attention to Bill 50 and its possible consequences for all Albertans. We encourage you to take a look at the information.

General information about Bill 50 can also be found on the Alberta Energy / Government of Alberta site


The Alberta Utilities Commission is quasi-judicial independent agency established by the Government of Alberta, to regulate the utilities sector, natural gas and electricity markets to protect social, economic and environmental interests of Alberta where competitive market forces do not. If and when it becomes necessary to seek intervener status, it will be this agency that takes the applications and evaluates them.

(Heartland Project specific page:


The Alberta Electric System Operator leads the planning and operation of the power system, facilitates competitive electricity markets, and ensures open access to the grid. They are yet another Government of Alberta appointed body.

Heartland Transmission Project

Here is the website for the Heartland Transmission Project, the reason for all of our attentions.

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