Petitions Tabled in Legislature

28/11/2009 21:28

MLA for Edmonton McClung, David Xiao, presented in the Legislature on Thursday (November 26, 2009) the petitions that we have been getting signatures for since the end of June (when this organization consisted of only three individuals). 

Here is the account of the occasion from the official Hansard record:

The Speaker: The hon. Member for Edmonton-McClung.

Mr. Xiao: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm presenting two petitions today. Actually, they are of the same nature. The first one, with 5,778 signatures, represents residents of Edmonton and area, and it states:

We the undersigned residents of Alberta, petition the Legislative Assembly to urge the Government of Alberta or its representatives, including Boards and Commissions, to locate double circuit 500kV transmission power lines 800 metres away from homes, schools, daycares, hospitals and [even] environmentally sensitive areas or locate them underground.

That's the first one.

The second one, with 1,088 signatures, represents the residents of Edmonton and area, and it states:

We the undersigned residents of Alberta, petition the Legislative Assembly to urge the Government of Alberta or its representatives, including Boards and Commissions, to locate double circuit high voltage transmission lines (550 KV) away from residential neighborhoods or locate them underground.

Mr. Speaker, it is a great honour for me to represent the voice of my constituents. I will keep continuing to do so.

Thank you

Total petition count was 6,866 signatures. To all those who helped to get signatures - and you know who you are - kudos to you. This demonstrates very clearly the power of the people working together for a common cause and achieving tremendous results.  


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